Disease Outbreaks & Epidemics in Farm Animals
- UK Meat and Livestock Commission to go in Restructuring of U.K. Farming Levy Boards: News
- Pig Medication - UK Licensed Treatment Products for Swine: Details
- Veterinary Products - UK Database of Licensed Animal Medicines: Free Search
- Toxoplasmosis risk from Pork - Increased Risk in Outdoor Herds? : Food Hygiene Specialist
- Toxoplasma & - Life Cycle - Human Disease - Risk Management: Toxoplasmosis Facts
- UK Pig Diseases Surveillance - Disease Incidence & Grower / Finishers Case Report: NADIS
- The Farm Animal Welfare Council calls for clear Welfare labelling of Pigmeat: New Report Farm Assurance Schemes - Can Welfare Audits be Trusted? : CIWF
- PMWS Control - June 2006 News - Management & New Vaccines: PMWS Research
- British Pig Health Scheme - BPEX UK Plan based on Scotland Wholesome Pigs: BPEX
- Pig Breeding - Economics & Genetics of Welfare, Health, Sustainability, Pork Quality: Research
- Sustainability Issues in the Food Industry: Verner Wheelock Associates
- The Pigs Who Swam to a New Life! - The Legend of the Tamworth Two
- Welfare of Farm Animals during Transport - New UK Regulations: Defra Welfare Publications
- PRRS Virus Infected Farms - Eradication Programme: Comparisons
- The Role of Wild Birds in Speading the Avian Influenza Virus Epidemic: Bird Flu HPAI H5N1
- Organic Meat Products - New EU Commission approved additives list: EU Organic Pork Regulations